Have you ever noticed that pretty much every single celebrity gets on-board with every single big media trend that comes along?
Rock the Vote.. Black Lives Matter.. Climate Cooling.. Climate Warming.. LGBT.. Trans Rights.. Stay home.. Mask up.. Get the shot.. Stand with Ukraine and so on.
Where are the rebels? Where are those bad boys and girls of Hollywood who have their own opinions and don’t follow the trends? Presumably those people are no longer getting calls.
Obviously a bad idea
On 18 March 2020 Gal Gadot (of Wonder Woman fame) posted a montage on her Instagram of her and 24 other celebrities singing John Lennon’s “Imagine” – all from their ‘self quarantine’ and ‘isolation’ locations.
Do you think Gal just had a brainwave and started calling up her famous pals? And these guys were all into it?
Even without watching the video, I think you can imagine the level of cringe involved here. Do you think these a-list writers/directors/actors weren’t aware that what they were doing was a bad idea and highly embarrassing? Would you do it? Probably not, right.. and I’m guessing you’re not an award winning comedian or screenwriter.
So why would they do it then? I put it to you, that they were told to do it. Their managers/agents informed them in no uncertain terms that their career would suffer if they did not participate in this exercise of “stay at home” government propaganda.
You’ll also notice that half of the people are looking like they just got out of bed or their head is half outside the frame. Again, these are not stupid people who can’t operate a phone. I suspect that the ‘brief’ they received was to make this video feel “authentic”.
Can’t they say… no?
Did they have a gun to their heads? Some of them look like it, but when it comes to Hollywood, ego and the easy-money-gravy-train mean that no guns are necessary. If there are one or two people that go against whatever the flavour of the month is, they are publicly lambasted and hung out to dry as a warning to anyone who dares deviate from the party line.
Celebrities show up to telethons for the same reason you put on a scarf for Pink Friday and pose in the group photo – because your boss told you to and you don’t want to lose your source of income.
Big movie studios use ‘big casting agents’ who deal with ‘big agents’ to get their ‘big stars’. If your agent tells to show up to X event or else you won’t be considered for Y role, the ‘star’ doesn’t need to be told twice… unless they want their career to be over.
Continued soon…